Dr Aris Oraiopoulos

Professor in Operations and Technology Management at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School

Dr Aris Oraiopoulos is Professor in Operations Management at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School. He is an expert in Business analytics and data-driven decision-making processes; technology and R&D management and innovation in the biopharmaceutical industry.

His research is focused on understanding how organisations make high-stakes decisions, such as whether to invest in a new project, when to terminate a project that is not performing well, what data they can leverage to become more innovative and what organisational structures they should put in place to empower a sound decision-making process.

He has worked with organisations across various industries and sectors, including AstraZeneca, British Telecom, HSBC, Johnson & Johnson and the Abu Dhabi police force.

In addition to his academic work, Nektarios has worked closely on research projects with numerous executives from the industry, both in large pharmaceutical organisations and small biotech companies. He has also co-authored the book, From Breakthrough to Blockbuster: The Business of Biotechnology (2022, Oxford University Press)