The complexities inherent to the new model, together with the adoption of next-generation car technologies and a demand for higher production volumes, led Lamborghini to rethink the production process. Thus Manifattura Lamborghini was born, a version of Factory 4.0 tailored to Lamborghini’s specific requirements, which puts the importance of people at the fore.
High-skill manual craftsmanship remains a key value for Lamborghini, even in the manufacturing of the higher-volume Urus model. In our new production concept, the environment that surrounds every assembly worker is entirely digital and automated. It is, in other words, at the service of man. Secondary processes are completely automated, allowing workers to concentrate fully on their core task, namely the assembly of a specific part, and to unleash all the added value of their craftsmanship know-how.
Planning activities in the production department were aided by VR applications capable of simulating the productive environment, making it possible to analyse layouts, assembly processes and material flows.
MES: the central nervous system of the production site